Dubaijas augstākā celtne |
Ja sākotnēji es biju nobijusies par kultūru un kultūras atšķirībām,
tad šobrīd šķiet, ka tas nebūs traucējoši un nebūs kā šķērslis, jo lai arī
kultūras ziņā viss ļoti atšķiras, tad zeme ir diezgan atvērta pret visiem
(protams ievērojot noteiktus limitus)
Dubaijas pilsētas centra modelis |
1. ģērbšanās - sievietēm ir vēlams valkāt apģērbu, kas
neatklāj daudz ādas un nav pārlieku izaicinošs. Protams, tu vari vilkt ko
vēlies, bet tas neradīs patīkamu un cienījamu attieksmi par tevi. Lielākā daļa
cilvēku šeit ģērbjas klasiskā stilā, kas ļoti labi piestāv rūpīgi izbūvētajam
pilsētas centram.
2. ēdieni un dzērieni - cilvēki, kuri nav iegādājušies
īpašas atļaujas, nedrīkst iegādāties un turēt alkoholu (izņemot restorānos un
bāros, kam ir atbilstoša licence)
3. personiskās
attiecības - sabiedrībā nav pieņemt publiski izrādīt mīlestību, kā
staigāt rokās, skūpstīties utt. Un, protams, sekss pirms kāzām vai palikšana stāvoklī,
ja tev nav oficiāla vīra ir krimināli sodāma darbība.
Dubai shopping mall - viens no lielākajiem iepirkšanās centriem šeit, kurā ir neskaitāmi veikali, kino, strūklakas, akvārijs utt - viss ko vien var iedomāties |
Kopumā es varu teikt, ka esmu pie Dubaijas jau pieradusi un
atradusi pirmos draugus.. tomēr pilsētā un viesnīcā vēl joprojām apmaldīties ir
ļoti viegli.
Bučas, Marta
Mana blondīnīte |
Time in Dubai runs pretty fast
Even if last months in Latvia I said, that my days are just
flying away, here it happens even faster. I am here 5 full days, but they seems
like one. If I look back to this week – i have done many things, learned a lot,
seen a lot... BUT if the time keeps running it wont be good for sure, because
I see this place as a wonderland with lot of things to explore.
In the beginning of this journey I was scared about culture
differences, but I see that it wont be so difficult, because country is pretty
open to everything (of course with some limits)
Still many people ask me about accommodation and food and I
can still say that everything is good. My bed gets more and more comfortable
every night and morning :D Now I know more about my roommate as well. She is
older lady from Philippines. It is really easy to communicate with here and she is
giving me lots of good advices about living in here, about does and don'ts. I
guess the main rule you already know:
Skats no manas viesnīcas 15 stāva |
1. Dress code – woman should wear clothes that
covers skin as much as possible and is not too sexy. Of course you can wear
whatever you want, but that wont be polite and people wont think good about
you. Most of the people dress in smart casual style.
2. Food and drinks – people who don't have special license cant buy, and keep alcohol
(except in bars and restaurants)
3. Relationships – you should not show your love
and romantic relationships in public. Kissing and hugging in the streets is not
polite. But for waving sex or getting pregnant if you are not married you can
get in jail.
Ok, back to my life here – I have learned many things about
hotel chain and style. My working place is Le Royal Meridien Beach resort and spa,
which is in the middle of city center with access to the beach. Compearing with other hotels nerbuy this one
is like a small nature paradise between huge skyscrapers. Atmosphere is really
calm and beautiful. I will work in a seafood restaurant, that is going to be one
of the biggest and famous seefood restaurans in Dubai.
Good luck to me and see you soon!
Kisses, Marta